Saturday, April 16, 2011

Requirements of the trade

hmmm so free trade cant just be limitless, i think that is something we all know. BUT it can have just a a few basic requirements and more, whatever they feel the need to add.

If we were to have worldwide free trade i think that these things should be regulated, or the counrty is not allowed in the agreement(more will probably be added later):
  •  Child labor laws
    • they cannot put children in harsh working conditions, and they must go to school, or something atleast
  • Workers rights
    • they need a minimum wage for workers
    • also regulated work days, like the amount of hours per day and week
I think that countries will agree to this when they see that giving up all of their wrongdoings towards people is going to e outweighed by the good that free trade will bring. 

Kline, Jesse. "Kids at Work." Reason 42.5 (2010): 12-13. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 11 Feb. 2011.

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