Monday, May 2, 2011

Last post :(

It been a good run guys, i actually like blogging about free trade and exploring why or why not it would be good. yall should definitely do some more of your own research if i havent convinced yall that free trade is good, and if i have the GREAT! my job is done ;)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Free trade and globalization

Pretty much what you need to do is read the article below, and it tells you alll about free trade and globalization. The gist of the article is that without a doubt the world is globalizing and we cant help it, but that means that free trade and other things are under scrutiny now.
It shows both sides of free trade and how it could help or go terribly wrong, this site has links to other pages for more opinions as well.
I wanted to include this because for this being my last real post, i want you guys to be able to see both sides if nothing else of free trade.

Free trade and Globalization

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fair trade not free trade

Ive heard alot about fair trade not free trade.
Free trade- countries trade freely, no taxes
Fair trade- countries trade with the same costs, and labor laws etc.

at first i probably would have said go FAIR TRADE! but im still for free trade because it supports what america is supposed to be about, a free market.

heres a picture supporting fair trade.

Friday, April 29, 2011

its fridayyy!

Okay guys its friday so im definitely taking a break from this blog today and relaxing, because the rest of this weekend ill be studying for finals and completing this blog! its been a good run, too bad its almost over but dont forget to tune in for the last few posts i have about free trade!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Since i started this blog, i have learned alot about its affects whether they be good or bad. For  a while i actually changed my stance on it and thought it might be extremely bad. After thinking about it more though, im back on the PRO side and heres why, free trade promotes business for rich people and it allows the middle class/ poor to be able to have thoughts of starting a business. with the way things are now it is almost impossible for anyone not rich to begin a business and have it be successful.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Free trade without regluations

i was talking to a friend the other day about my blog and trying to get ideas from him, he told me that free trade would be a good idea with or without regulation. Me being my normal self totally objected and said NO! we need regulated trade and he simply said no and explained why. He says that even America has  had little 7 year olds working in sweat shops and doing hard labor while being underpaid, if we want free trade how are we to judge other countries and make them change like we did. Just cause America has changed doesn't mean the rest of the world has to. Plus the more regulated we make trade the harder it is to get other countries to join in.

Monday, April 25, 2011

After the economy is fixed...

After we finally fix our economy i would like to see some programs put in place to prevent the ability of our economy to come down in a recession this fast, and to take this long to get back out of it. We need to establish something like Great Britain and a few other countries have called a social safety net, its an establishment of multiple programs to help a country get quickly back on its feet after the economy has fallen. They also help decrease the poverty levels and provide a sense of security for countries.

Matthew. "A Slow Recovery." Conference Board Review 47.1 (2010): 34-9. Business Full Text. Web. 7 Mar. 2011.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

fixing the economy

Some people think that restoring the economy requires 1) halting the flood of foreclosures coming our way and 2) stopping high cost lending that strips families of wealth.

Other people think that we need to grow the middle class because when the middle class is vibrant and booming, so is our economy

and for a third opinon, these people think that we can help our economy buy cutting expenses, and government spending, they even made a video for it! :)

1.  responsible lending
2. economy solutions

Saturday, April 23, 2011

maybe i should have started with this...

I should have started with the reason our economy is bad in the first place. Our economy is in this state of emergency because we have been printing too much money, the real estate failure and foreclosures and lastly the government keeps bailing out people who dont need to be bailed out. Remember this....

Watch the full episode. See more Need To Know.

that my friends is a video talking about how much that bank bailout actually cost last year.

when are we ever going to learn? -__-

Friday, April 22, 2011


I spent all day at the pool today and i am so worn out from the sun that im going to have to wait till tomorrow to tell yall more about free trade, or some other solutions for our economy.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

the cons of free trade....

ive looked and looked and can only find a few
  one is that we will have more job losses than gains  and the next one is that many trade agreements are bad for the U.S. and another one is that buying foreign products does not support American jobs.

Welll i have one thing to say to that! if we had requirements on the free trade agreements they wouldnt be bad for the U.S. and secondly we JUST signed  a free trade agreement that promises MORE jobs. &&&&&&  the foreigners will be buying American products and so will we. so BOOYAH! those dont exactly sound like problems anymore.

cons #1
cons #2

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

OH ! remember those requirements i was talking about...

The Korea-U.S. trade agreement has em! and they even say it looks like something that's going to be a model for all the free trade agreements to come!

read me!

This article lists the regulations for each country and, a few of the ones that i said before are there as well!

Monday, April 18, 2011


1. Free trade represents individual sovereignty.
  •   every person should have the right to freely trade as they wish.

2. It would restrain the power of the state.
  • It gives more power to the people and it would take some power away from the government   and how they control things.
3.Free trade also encourages other basic human rights like freedom of speech and religion.

  • by people being able to use free trade it will give them the power and the motivation to use their other rights given to them more often.
4. it helps the poor
  • it helps the poor because with the market more widely spread it takes some of the power away from the elites disabling them from being able to pillage over the poor.
  • it also gives greater opportunity for the poor to be able to create wealth.
5. It encourages the people to cultivate moral values and become in tune with other cultures
  • with free trade we will be able to trade with countries that we may have never traded with before, and learn about their cultures in the process
  • also, it would create moral values because with free trade all of the business would be between the business men and if the trades aren't fair, its not going to happen and they can find someone else
6. it creates comparative advantage
  • countries will be able to specialize in what they are best at
  • countries being able to specialize in what they are good at is a good thing  because now-a-days countries try to make everything so that they can have more home manufactured stuff and so that it can be cheaper, but since we are not specializing in it, making the stuff were not necessarily in the best shape to make is just costing more money 

seven moral arguments for free trade
  Griswold, Daniel. "Seven Moral Arguments for Free Trade." The Cato Institute. May 1, 2002. 13 Apr 2011 <>

chemistry -__-

Hey guys! I just got out of my 8 AM chemistry lab and im soooo tired, soo im gonna take a nap then come back later to update you on why free trade is a really good idea. I am thinking about listing some of the benefits in my next post! :) tune in to find out what they are!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Requirements of the trade

hmmm so free trade cant just be limitless, i think that is something we all know. BUT it can have just a a few basic requirements and more, whatever they feel the need to add.

If we were to have worldwide free trade i think that these things should be regulated, or the counrty is not allowed in the agreement(more will probably be added later):
  •  Child labor laws
    • they cannot put children in harsh working conditions, and they must go to school, or something atleast
  • Workers rights
    • they need a minimum wage for workers
    • also regulated work days, like the amount of hours per day and week
I think that countries will agree to this when they see that giving up all of their wrongdoings towards people is going to e outweighed by the good that free trade will bring. 

Kline, Jesse. "Kids at Work." Reason 42.5 (2010): 12-13. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 11 Feb. 2011.

Thousands of jobs for the U.S., WHAT?!?!

This article talks about the free trade agreement reached with Columbia. Pretty much they see it having the potential of raising up to 1 BILLION dollars in exports. They also see it providing more than 300,000 jobs. and i think we definitely desperately need both of those things, and that's just with Columbia. Its just sad that it took them five years to get to congress...WHAT THE HECK WERE THEY THINKING? and then on top of that, were doing a good deed for Columbia protecting workers rights and all. like i said, we cant just have free trade there has got to be some limitations and rules in the agreement for all the countries involved to make sure its fair trade as well as free trade.
obama on free trade

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

So lets start at the beginning..

Before you can understand why i think free trade is a good solution you need to know what it is in the first place.

Free trade: is a system of trade policy that allows traders to trade across national boundaries without interference from the respective governments.

So pretty much everyone could trade with each other without running into taxes which would make them spend more money in the first place. 

Free trade definition

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Free Trade

So this blog was all started for my english class. the requirements are that we use a paper we previously wrote to introduce a problem and provide solutions. My paper was about the economy and some solutions for it. In this blog i am supposed to pick which one i think is the best solution to the problem and convince you that it is as well.  So here goes :Honestly i think that free trade could be a great thing for our country. I think it could provide a lot more revenue and allow us to specialize in what we do best. I mean i know that we already have free trade with some countries, but if there was worldwide free trade, with some guidelines of course i think it could be helpful not only to the United States' economy but to the worldwide economy. Over the next few weeks i will be exploring why free trade is good, and even some of the cons so that i can negate them and argue solutions for the cons for of free trade.

About me :)

My name is Rosalynda Jackson but i go by Aurie. I am from Lawrenceville, Ga and am a chemistry major at Georgia Southern.  I am thinking about being a forensic scientist but i have not fully decided yet. In my free time i like to hang out with friends, have a good time and relax. I can not wait to see how this blog is going to turn out! :)